How to Use Bobby Pins with El Andrew
Proficient longhair Andrew Reed, better known as El Andrew, skillfully demonstrates how to use an often overlooked―but extremely useful―hair tool for guys: the bobby pin.
Proficient longhair Andrew Reed, better known as El Andrew, skillfully demonstrates how to use an often overlooked―but extremely useful―hair tool for guys: the bobby pin.
The complete shampoo & conditioner review from El Rubio, including all the lingo, why it matters and what you’ll find in The Longhairs new Epic Cleanse and Ideal Conditions.
El Nomada, the world vagabonding Longhair, is here to show you exactly what’s in his bare essentials hair care kit whenever he takes his mane on the road.
What the hell are split ends? Learn what they are and how to tackle them in The Longhairs Podcast, Episode 49: “What’s The Deal With Split Ends?”
Taking it back to blog post #3 in a six minute podcast covering six quick tips for guys with long hair. Step up your long hair game and listen to The Longhairs Podcast, Episode 46.
Do you have, or are you thinking about dreadlocks? Loc it up with Louis Douglas, Professional Loctician and CEO of YaniCare Products, on The Longhairs Podcast, Episode 40.
Your mane has been through a lot. Those last few inches have been around since day one. When is it time for a major trim? Listen to The Longhairs Podcast, Episode 37, where El Moreno reluctantly cuts his hair, and reflects on parting ways with his last four inches.
Swimming with long hair can be a drag, but you’re not sunk. Dive in with Aquatic Al as he breaks down his experience and tips for swimming with long hair.
You’ve waited and made it through the grueling awkward stage. Now what the hell do you do with it? How do you deal with it? Get some insight with El Barbudo’s six quick tricks for guys with flow.
If you’re a guy with long hair, you could be losing hair in your brush. Is hair shedding normal? How much is ok? SHOULD YOU PANIC??
Here’s what you need to know, muchacho.
“I don’t call women bitches.” This and other best practices, dos and don’ts, and why we should honor women, in A Man’s Guide to International Women’s Day.
We’ve gotten a fair bit of comments, questions, reviews and opinions about Hair Ties For Guys™. Some of them have been genuine. Some have been *less than* polite. Some have been flat out trolling.
Late phase awkward stage hair? Congratulations, you’re almost through the dark days. Here’s how to plan your exit strategy and enjoy your new-found mane.
With all it’s excellence, long hair requires a little more effort and maintenance. How do you deal with your long hair every morning? Your boy El Rubio is here to break down his long hair morning routine, for men. And he’s not pulling any punches.
In our new series, Beyond The Locks, we highlight men with long hair from different cultures, backgrounds, races and ethnicities. Our first guest is Maurice Cherry, a creative director, entrepreneur, educator and longhair.
Growing your hair out? Mid phase awkward stage hair has ended many a long hair dream. Here’s how to mitigate the suffering in the thick of it.
Our master technician El Rubio gives us the answer in this action packed educational video. You’ll learn what it is, why to use it & how to use it.
The most common question we’ve gotten in the history of time has been, “should I cut in the awkward stage?” We set out with three brave yet awkward men who put their locks on the line to find answers for you at the House of Imago Salon in San Diego. This video could just save your longhair life.
You know. The long haired ginger guy who does the videos, often with a flower in his headband, perfectly straight fire-red hair cascading from all sides.
In this ultra-offensive podcast with JP Sears, The Longhairs rap with JP on his book, long hair, fitness and being hella weird. Listen and get spiritual AF.
Growing your hair out? Battling through early phase awkward stage hair can be a warzone. Here’s how to power through and stay in the fight.
In this original Longhairs video we show you five ways to wear a headband with long hair, walk you through the design features of the new Longhairs Headwraps, and demonstrate real life use-case scenarios for when these babies will come in handy.