Six Quick Tricks

In Educate by El Barbudo37 Comments

Long hair is sick, there’s no doubt about that. At times, it can also be challenging to deal with. It can be unwieldy, in the way, and sometimes just downright annoying. Here’s six quick tricks for guys with long hair.


Keeping your three strands separate can be challenging when learning to braid. I’ve found a way to make it easier for beginner braiders and even trained twisters.

Pull your hair all the way through a hair tie as if you’re tying a menstail, but don’t wrap the tie more than once. The tie should be loose on your hair. At this point, separate your hair into three strands. The hair tie should make it easy to keep all of your hair pulled tight and keep your three strands close and easy to handle. Braid as usual. Then just slide the hair tie down the braid and tie it off.



Sleeping with my hair down left me waking up with hair in my eyes and ears and mouth and nose. I also found it would tangled as shit from moving around in my sleep.

Solution? Tie it up!


After experimenting with several different sleep styles, I’ve found that twisting it up into a loose braid or grabbing a couple extra ties and tying it into “The Snake”* are the best ways to keep the hair out of my face and free of tangles. Keeping it a bit loose helps to not pull on the scalp so you don’t wake up with a headache. *(

DISCLAIMER: These two styles are not recommended if you sleep on your back. Refer instead to:


I guarantee that as a longhair, you will find hair. It will be freakin’ EVERYWHERE. Especially in the bathroom… where you wash, comb, brush, and mess with your hair most.

You’ll find it clogging the shower drain, on the floor, in the sink, on the counter, and anywhere else you forget to look. Annoying, right?!


The best way to handle this is to contain the shed. Just put it all in the same place. Keep it out of the shower drain by putting all the hair that sheds during a wash or condition on the shower wall. When you’re finished, swirl it all up into a ball and toss it in the trash.

When combing, brushing, blow drying, or doing whatever you do to style your hair, put everything that falls out into the sink. Again, when you’re finished, ball it up and toss it.

HINT: Don’t freak out, it’s totally natural to shed some hair when combing, washing, or brushing.


I don’t usually blow dry my hair, and my hair takes forever to air dry. So, on days I’m not washing or conditioning, it’s gotta stay dry.

To keep my hair out of the shower stream, I pull it up into a Super High Ball or a Foldover all the way on top of my head. This gets my hair totally out of the way so I can still wash my shoulders, back, and neck while my hair stays desert dry.



Have you ever worn a hoodie or a coat with a collar and found your hair won’t lay over the hood or collar without going all over the place and getting crazy tangled? Yeah, me too.

Try out a side menstail or a side braid. Pull your hair all to one side, just behind your ear. Then, tie a menstail or twist it up like usual. Your locks will lay over your shoulder and down your chest, totally out of the way of your collar or hood.



Sometimes one hair tie just isn’t enough to hold your mane. Even for the Superior Hair Ties for Men. Running, tumbling, and other high impact activities may require more hold than just one tie can provide. And hair falling in your face can be annoying and precarious in these active situations.

So, Double up.

Start with two hair ties on your wrist. Then, tie up your favorite hairstyle for working out. BUT, instead of just pulling one hair tie of your wrist, pull them both together and tie your hair using both for a super strong hold.

Get tricky and drop a comment lettin’ us know how it worked for ya or with your own tricks for guys with long hair!