The Real Champs
It’s realistic to say we might not have broken the world record for the most hair donated to charity without the support from our premier sponsor, Jon Renau.
It’s realistic to say we might not have broken the world record for the most hair donated to charity without the support from our premier sponsor, Jon Renau.
Listen in as we unravel our reflections and aspirations, drawing lessons from a decade’s journey to inspire our strides into 2024 and beyond.
We’re amazed at the number of questions we’ve gotten about tickets for The Great Cut. Everyone is stoked…and so are we, because tickets are live!
We are proud to announce Henebery Spirits is a premier sponsor for The Great Cut 2024, and with their help and yours we will break a world record.
We’re thrilled to announce the official host accommodations for The Great Cut at Sun Outdoors San Diego Bay—it’s where to stay for The Great Cut!
It’s less invasive than donating blood, and yet I’ve still never grown to donate my hair. Why have so many sworn off this charity cause?
Our best Black Friday deals in company history, with up to 70% OFF sitewide discounts, plus 2 FREE packs of hair ties in our Black Friday Guide 2023.
Dealing with long hair in the kitchen can be a pain. Here are my tools and tactics for ensuring hygiene, visibility, and safety when the heat is on.
Why the hair and proceeds from The Great Cut go to Children With Hair Loss, our proud charity partners and the most reputable and respected hair donation charity in the field.
We’re proud to present the electrifying 2023 costume contest winners from the most legendary long hair costume contest in the history of long hair.
Part of fostering masculinity and being the best man we can be is having a strong emotional IQ.
Growing a long flowing mane is not for everyone, but making it to the promised land relies heavily on the right nutrition for awkward stage hair.
It’s been 500 weeks of building a brand. If you’ve ever read a compelling post, learned a new hair tip, had a good chuckle, or gotten hella stoked…we did it for you.
A story of struggle and triumph, where every painful stride weaves the bonds of brotherhood—even while running in the wrong direction!
Being a long-haired dad comes with perks and moments of pain. It serves as a bonding tool, yet opens up a world of hair-related misadventures.
Glorfindel, Legolas, Fëanor & Túrin Turambar: renderings of the mightiest long hair of Tolkien, from The Lord Of The Rings to The Silmarillion.
Why are the long hair guys talking about personal integrity? Because our purpose is developing masculinity, and masculinity demands integrity.
Wedding? Workout? Beach day? Choosing the right long hairstyle isn’t rocket surgery. Dive into this guide on the five best hairstyles for guys with straight hair.
An ad-man turned long-haired Zen seeker, Larry Feinstein went from selling ads to writing his own motorcycle diaries. Let your hair down & saddle up.
Whether you’re braving the awkward phase or flaunting a full flowing mane, you NEED to know about The Center For Awkward Stage Hair.
El Sicario sits down with his friend and long-haired jiujiteiro Chris Lucas to talk about military service, being your best self, and long hair in jiu jitsu.
Facing detention, in-school suspension and threat of expulsion, grooming codes in Texas schools force another male student to cut his hair.
A variety of practical, functional men’s long hairstyles for athletics, from guys with long hair who actually wore the uniforms for this demonstration.
From a dyslexic artist living in a commune to running boardrooms at Foot Locker, longhair Gary Harper is a modern-day renaissance man who also drowned once and came back from the other side.