Nutrition For Awkward Stage Hair
Give Your Hair A Chance
Every guy dreaming of a long, flowing mane has to get through awkward stage hair. The struggles are well-documented, and you’ll want to get through it quickly. We cover whether you can grow your hair faster in greater depth, but your best chance at doing so relies heavily on the right nutrition for awkward stage hair.
A healthy diet isn’t just for cutting fat or getting jacked. Your diet contributes to how you look but also how you feel and how your body functions. Better nutrition leads to better hair growth through the awkward stage and beyond.
Hair cells are among the fastest growing in the body, requiring a good source of nutrition. If there is a shortage of nutrients, your hair is the first to suffer as your body considers them “non-essential” cells.
There are several different “ingredients” your hair needs to be its healthiest. There are numerous benefits to many of these, but we’ll focus on how they contribute to hair health.
Proven to help with healthy hair growth and maintenance.Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Prevents free radical oxidation of hair follicles and hair loss. Without it, hair becomes brittle and the scalp weakens (Odchique, 2015). For you science buffs, a free radical is an atom with an unpaired electron in its outer shell, and may also be linked to aging, as it is defined as the accumulation of free radical damage.
This harm is achieved by altering lipids, proteins, and DNA, as well as triggering a number of human diseases (Lobo, et. al. 2010). The way to combat this is by the consumption of antioxidants (found in blueberries), which are molecules that can safely interact with free radicals and terminate the chain reaction before vital molecules are damaged.
Vitamin E
In a basic sense, proteins are building blocks. Your hair acts as a time capsule, adding new proteins to the base of the strand as it grows. The strand is then pushed out of the hair follicle, creating a timeline of your eating habits.
“What you consume influences the proteins of that moment’s hair growth...such as whether someone is using food they eat for energy or consuming their own tissue for energy due to lack of protein” (Collins, 2006).
Not Yet Confirmed
Suspected to help with hair growth, but lacking the research to confirm.Iron
Touted as the end-all, be-all for hair growth in magazines and blogs, you’ve undoubtedly heard the craze surrounding this one. The proof that biotin helps non-deficient individuals is nonexistent. To date, the only randomized controlled trial to study the effects of biotin on hair quality and quantity showed a significant increase in thickness of the hair on 90 female subjects experiencing thinning.
“Biotin as a dietary supplement for normal healthy people without deficiency or any inborn error of metabolism on its own may not be an ergogenic aid for hair health.” (Soleymani, et. al. 2017).
In other words, if you’re not experiencing hair loss, biotin has not been proven to help your hair grow—though further study is warranted.
Nutrition for Awkward Stage Hair Grocery List:
It’s rather intuitive; your hair grows out of your body, so if you take care of your body, you take care of your hair. Check out our suggested foods for the next time you visit the local grocer to ensure your hair is getting all the nutrients it needs to grow at maximum potential.Grocery Item | Nutrition Goal |
Avocados, peanuts, sunflower seeds, vegetable oil, broccoli | Vitamin E |
Carrots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, apricots | Vitamin A |
Citrus Fruits, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, tomatoes | Vitamin C |
Spinach and dark leafy greens | Iron |
Eggs, soy, lean beef, milk | Protein |
Blueberries, dark chocolates, pecans | Antioxidants |
Oysters, red meats, poultry, cashews, baked beans, chickpeas | Zinc |
Nutrition For Awkward Stage Hair
More Awkward Stage Ammo
If you found this helpful, it’s just part of one module in The Center For Awkward Stage Hair, the comprehensive educational and motivational system for men growing long manes.
If you are struggling with awkward stage hair, or you know a man who is, stop the suffering and join or politely share The Center with your haggard-looking friend.
There are hair whips and high fives on the horizon. We’re here to help you get there.
Awkward Stage Hair