Masculinity Demands Integrity

In Educate by El Sicario26 Comments

The Subtle Art of Being a Good Dude, Part 1

This is the first installment in a series covering several tenets of masculinity and manhood. Our first topic is personal integrity.

Lizards Lack Integrity

Let’s just say it out loud: a man without integrity is no man at all. Hopefully you’re here because you either have integrity or you’re seeking to develop it. You might be asking why the hair guys are talking about personal integrity, so let us tell you, amigo!
A lizard, a literal lizard, who you know just by looking at 'em he lacks personal integrity.

What the Frickin Heck is Personal Integrity?

The core vision of The Longhairs is to inspire confidence, develop masculinity and foster community among guys growing their hair. Now let’s take a closer look at how having integrity fits the bill. Two definitions of integrity are most relevant here.

Per the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

  1. firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values
  2. the quality or state of being complete or undivided
 A mural of our Core Values: Do things right. Do the right things. Creativity and authenticity. Team spirit and contagious enthusiasm. Unwavering confidence and determination to achieve. Building and influencing community from San Diego outward.

Ok Mr. Goody Two-Shoes, Why Should I Care?

Comprehensive manhood starts with integrity. Your most confident and masculine self is a man that navigates life with a strong moral compass.

Simply put, personal integrity means doing the right thing (a core value of The Longhairs), even when there is no reward, or when nobody will ever know. All that matters is that you’ll know. Integrity is a gift that a man gives to himself.

As any human would, you’ll surely falter. Nobody asked anybody to be perfect. Sometimes integrity can mean admitting you’re wrong, or just saying sorry.

El Rubio and El Moreno, men who know Masculinity Demands Personal Integrity

You In Dawg?

So why the integrity talk? Because our purpose is developing masculinity, and masculinity demands integrity. We find our internal true north each and every time we decide to act with—or without—integrity. In other words, choosing personal integrity is letting it ride.

We’re on a quest to master The Subtle Art of Being a Good Dude. By we, we’re including YOU, as part of this community. Watch for the next installment in the series.