2023 The Longhairs Black Friday Cyber Monday Guide

Insider’s Guide To Our Biggest Sale In Company History

In Celebrate by El Rubio7 Comments

Historic Black Friday Deals

Every year we give our blog readers the inside edge on our Black Friday-Cyber Monday deals—and in some years we’ve offered early access to said deals, so read on! Here are the deals, how they work, and a strategic approach for securing max value in our insider’s Black Friday Guide 2023.

Things Are Different This Year

In past years we have offered different deals on different days, like free hair ties on Black Friday, then sitewide discounts on Cyber Monday.

This year we’ve simplified. There is one deal. It won’t change. No need to come back for a second deal, or decide which deal to shop. Every discount and giveaway we have to offer will be available in one smooth shopping experience.

Black Friday Box Builder Preview

The Steepest Discounts

There ARE different discounts on different products, beginning with a staggering 70% off XL Softies, thin headbands and thick headbands, followed by 50% off hard lids and 25% off headwraps and hair ties.
Different discounts for different products from The Longhairs this Black FridayDeep Hair Care Discounts

Hair Care Holdouts

If you still haven’t tried our newer hair care products (POWER CLEAN, HYDRO FLOW, MARINE LAYER & INSTANT FRESHIES), now is your chance with generous discounts across our lineup.

It’s also worth noting this will be our max discount available on shampoo & conditioner moving forward at 20% off.

20% Off Shampoo & Conditioner Lowest Price Available

Hair Serum Hearsay

If you missed our email update, we’ve had two hair serum manufacturers completely bail on us this year. We’re working extremely hard to get this favorite product back in stock…it’s looking like January. Please hang in there, serum will be back.

Hard Lids Reset

We are taking a hard look at our hard lids, and it’s possible some or all of these classics are getting retired—so take advantage of 50% OFF all remaining hard lids in stock!
Black Friday Box

Build Your Own Box

During our summer sale we introduced a “box builder,” where you select your products through a series of steps. With lots of positive feedback we’ve taken the same approach.

The idea is you won’t have to click around between pages to see all the discounts, but rather quick and easy, step-by-step access to every deal.

The Clincher

On top of the bounteous discounts, we’re bringing back our world-renown two FREE packs of hair ties with orders of $30, rounding out our biggest sale in company history.

With thoughtful, affordable gifts for all the long hair on your list, you can knock out the entirety of your holiday shopping in one decisive stroke—and still come away with something REAL NICE just for yourself.

Lastly, as an insider…you get early access. We thank you for being a customer and supporter of The Longhairs, and happy holiday shopping.


  1. I ordered more than $30 on Friday. My order came and no free hair ties? Sad face

  2. For the many and many turkeys killed and eaten yesterday…to thank Chief Massassoit for his help to Plymouth ma Pilgrims Colony

  3. I was about to place an order, but since I was unable to delete the “mandatory” $1.50 Max Shipping Protection fee, I opted out.

  4. I really wished you guys would restock all your hair serum. I’ve been on the waiting list for almost a year and a half now. I really need more and nothing compares out there to what you guys have.

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