El Rubio explains why you should not cut your hair

You Should Cut Your Hair

In Advocate by El Rubio238 Comments

It’s Just So Much Better!

I met a fellow from the Czech Republic at a bar in a mountainous town over a few cold ones. As often happens, the topic of long hair came up. After some light hair talk and telling him about The Longhairs, he looked at me directly across the table and flatly said, "you should cut your hair."

Dead serious.

Did you not hear that part about the hair ties, and the whole community for guys growing their hair?

I was a little stunned, like, that’s the most preposterous thing you could possibly say to me. But beyond the shocking absurdity of his recommendation, it wasn’t that he was trying to be a jerk. Rather he was interested in my well-being, and believed life would be better for me with a high & tight haircut.

He kept taking his hat off and showing me his super short hair, rubbing it to apparently demonstrate how nice it felt, how easy to deal with and how great it looked. So great, in fact, that I should cut mine off too.

Perhaps sensing I wasn’t fully on board with his proposal, he asked me, “why have long hair?”

Just as I prepared to launch into a full-blown dissertation, we were interrupted and pulled away. I eventually drifted to the other side of the saloon, we never resumed our little chat, and I never saw him again.

Having missed the opportunity in person, I've taken the liberty of organizing my thoughts on the matter.

So, friend, here is my response...to you and to everyone who says "you should cut your hair."


You Make A Good Point

Maybe I should. There are some compelling arguments for why you should cut your hair.

Long hair is a pain. You do learn to deal with it, after a while you almost forget about it, but there are regular reminders.

Like working out, playing sports, being outdoors, eating, sleeping, dressing for any occasion, riding roller coasters, making out, brushing your teeth and virtually every activity of daily life.

There’s having to shampoo and condition, blowdry, brush it, tie it up, and generally deal with it, rather than simply waking up and walking out the door.

Also it costs some money. Whether it’s shampoo or hair ties, you’re compelled to spend a little money on it which you wouldn’t have to spend otherwise.

Finally there’s all the shit you have to deal with from other people. Which has become meaningless to me, but it wasn't always.

I get it. The idea that you should cut your hair can sound appealing.


All Things Considered

Let’s pretend we weren’t operating a community based on the premise of long hair, and that my livelihood wasn’t literally connected to my long locks. Let’s say I was just a regular guy letting the long hair flag fly, and that I would entertain the notion of cutting my hair off.

Having considered the benefits of short hair, the answer to the question of “why grow it long,” falls into several categories.


Six Reasons You Should NOT Cut Your Hair

The Difference-Maker

Long hair is an instant differentiator. Walk into a room with a hundred guys, five or 10 at most are gonna have flow, depending on where you pull your sample.

Granted, it’s not always good to be different, but I think of it (ironically) like a job application: you immediately want to set yourself apart and be memorable. Like it or don’t like it, long hair does that.

And while there are plenty of other ways to be different, none are quite so obvious or instantaneous as a streaming mane cascading down your shoulders.


A Confident Man

Along with being different comes a certain required self-confidence. It takes a little bit of “I don’t care what other people think.” It’s not easy being different, and as we’ve seen more and more often, that’s especially apparent for little guys with long hair.

With confidence comes self-respect, self-esteem, and belief in your powers and abilities. If you ask me, those things are important. Maybe the most important.

That’s not to be confused with overconfidence or arrogance, because at the end of the day you gotta back it up. But if having long hair can help build and develop those self affirmations, then hell yes let it ride.

The Natives - Hair Ties For Guys

The Natives

Bold, robust, colorful designs will figuratively burst from your hair.
Get These Hair Ties

Keep It Independent

For me long hair symbolizes independence. It means I’m not in a position where someone else decides how long my hair should be, and that’s good because I prefer being the person who decides.

This is mostly with regard to employment. There are a lot of excellent and highly respected jobs and careers where you’re compelled to keep it short, and with respect for those positions, they simply aren’t for me.

The idea of someone telling me I have to cut my hair to work for them, choosing between a job or these golden tresses, is ridiculous. And lucky me, not everyone has that luxury, but it basically means I’m the master of my own fate and I hope to keep it that way.


All Natural

Another reason I choose long hair is it’s all natural. It’s a sign of health, vigor and vitality. It’s a natural biological function, we only get short hair by augmenting that.

Not to say we should all grow out all the hair on our body, ok, but you get the idea. The hair grows for a reason. And there’s a lot of people who can’t grow it out, so why not take advantage of our follicle freedom while we have it?


It’s a Culture

There’s also a cultural aspect. Long hair in Native American culture, for example, is a spiritual artifact and for some tribes represents a connectedness with the earth.

I’m not Native American, but I can respect and appreciate their beliefs, and I do believe long hair creates a certain connectedness to our environment.

Beside the historical cultures of ancient tribes and people, long hair is a culture in itself.

We have a community, and beliefs and customs. We do #HairWhipWednesdays and celebrate our locks. Even guys who have never heard of The Longhairs know when they see other guys with long hair, it’s appropriate to respond with a subtle nod of understanding.


And We All Know

Lastly, it’s just badass. There are limitless long hairstyles to learn and experiment with. I can wear it with a hat or a beanie, tied up, straight or wavy.

Not to mention I can rip off a hailstorm of hair whips at any given moment, twist up a sick braid or choke someone out with it if needed. Hopefully it won’t come to that, but in any case the locks are just sick and I love having them.


With That Being Said

The bottom line is, long hair makes me different. It’s unconventional. It makes people guess, keep ‘em wondering, “is this guy some kind of loose cannon?” or make their own assumptions.

Deep down, it forces people to recognize it’s not a person’s outward appearance, but the quality of their character and depth of their purpose. Which in itself is a greater platform for equality for everyone who’s different.


To the Man Who Says, "You Should Cut Your Hair"

Thanks for the kind suggestion, but I’m going to keep lettin it ride.

I’m not going to insist you should grow your hair long, I think you should wear it however you like. But consider this: I had short hair for 30 years. I’m quite familiar with what it’s like, and so have the good fortune of experiencing both sides.

You didn’t mention if you’ve ever grown it out, but if you haven’t, maybe give it a try? Then you can fairly and objectively decide your preference.

And if that continues to be short, then you should cut your hair! In the meantime I'm going to keep lettin it ride.

Why You Should NOT Cut Your Hair

Did we miss anything? Any other reasons why we should cut it...or why we should keep lettin' it ride? Why not share in the comments?



  1. I received the same unsolicited advice from a stranger recently and it got under my skin more than it has in the past. I’ve also felt the pressure more as I’ve progressed further in my career. So I needed to hear this affirmation – thank you!

    Reason #7 to add: It’s a built-in, natural helmet! My long hair has protected my head from quite a few flying surfboards out in the lineup over the years.

    After 23 years of short hair, and now 8 years going strong with long hair, I’m lettin’ it ride!!

  2. I will be there for 2024! I’m in the bay area (S.F.), so I’ll find a participating location to here.

  3. Yes, you should ABSOLUTELY cut your hair! Nothin’ beats being able to summarily relieve yourself of the dagnab split ends that make detangling such a pain. Invest in a good pair of hair scissors. There’s myriad youtube videos and other social media on simple methods to do it yourself and have it come out well. If you do find there’s a learning curve, don’t worry–it grows back–but after you master that curve your loved ones might be booking you for a trim.

  4. Great points all around!

    I started growing mine out in 2017 as a way to just see what my natural state is, and kinda to see how far the corporate world was willing to tell me how to live. Surprisingly 99% of people love it (after the initial shock wore off haha), including coworkers and management – who knew?

    I also love how it shakes things up and catches people off guard. You gotta live life, be weird, and let the mane loose while you still have it, because not everyone can!

    You also learn more about what’s good for your body and hair, and why you can’t just apply cheapo harsh shampoo every day. Your hair is almost like a litmus test for your general health.

    Plus, if I didn’t grow it out, how else could I have learned that my DNA picked “rabbi curl” style for my entire head? Newfound respect for Weird Al!

    Thank you guys!

  5. A timeless piece .. I remember seeing your very first video on YouTube and that is when I came across your products. They were a great present for my brother (a fellow longhair). I had just made the decision at the time to start growing my hair also and your pages were great inspiration indeed (alongside a cool big bro). 7 years on I have now been lettin it ride ever since and haven’t looked back. Since then I have been able to work in Game of Thrones as an extra due the long locks and I’ve also had the chance to donate 12 inches of hair to a children’s charity. I’d have to say the positives outweigh any difficulty. The longhairs is a way of life. A big shout out from Ireland to all the longhairs out there !

  6. When someone comments on my hair with a derisive tone, I say one of two things (depending on how charitable I am at the time): “Thank you for your comments.” OR “That is some more of your business.” I was raised to avoid commenting on someone’s appearance unless I have something positive to say. That philosophy remains in place, along with the growing mane.

  7. As an older guy, I can sympathize with everything you stated about having long hair and, about giving the little guys the support and encouragement they need to feel comfortable however they express themselves.
    For now, I’m close to two years in and was happy to find The Longhairs; between the products, hair ties and my now favorite brush, it’s made the time around a little more enjoyable.
    Let it ride.

  8. You tell: it takes some money to maintain it… but on the other hand, you save money by NOT visiting the barber every 6 weeks, as I used to do some 30+ years ago… yes, you read that well: I’ve been a Longhair for 30+ years and I’m going to die with my pony tail.
    People sometimes ask me, in Dutch: “why did you take long hair?” Then I say: I didn’t TAKE long hair, it’s YOU who take short hair by constantly having it cut, long hair is what happens if you let nature go!”

  9. I started growing out my hair for the very first time, about eight months before the March lockdown. I’m a mature guy who always wanted to do it when I was younger but gave up each time.

    Now, I have hair down to the bottom of my chest and I love it. My hair’s not as full as it once was but I don’t care. I haven’t had a trim in over 18 months. I also started rocking a hefty beard so I look like a badass lion. I’m having a ball. I loved my short haircut but can’t imagine going back right now since I now know the joy of a flowing mane. 

    I think that most guys who have short hair have never made it through the uncomfortable times when everyone tells you it looks awful and you need to cut it. Growing out your hair or beard is great experience and something every guy should try. You learn a lot about yourself. It’s a really personal journey. 

    I’ve benefited from the content/products from The Longhairs and Beardbrand as well as groups like Manbuns & Manes on Facebook. Thanks guys and rock on!

  10. When someone says “get a haircut” I smile and say “I just did”. I’ve yet to hear a response that tops mine. 8^)

      1. Well said! I agree with the six points you made.
        I started to grow my hair out in the beginning of 2023 I’m writing this 11/13/24.
        And let me tell you I live in Wyoming and at least in my town it’s kinda looked down on. So it’s been a crazy wonderful journey! I’m 28 and out of nowhere I just did it because my heart called me to it. Let me tell you my # 1 reason why I grew my hair out.
        For me, I needed to get in touch with myself, and in that process I’ve learned that you have to make time for yourself, and care for yourself. I’m a ADHD person that used to think he always had to be doing something or be somewhere to feel accomplished. And i’m breaking free from that illusion/Matrix, And my long hair has helped me do that.
        The reason is it is a pain! It takes effort, Love, Patience, Determination and most of all, self care!! So let me tell you my opinion is very simple. Long hair makes you remember constantly throughout the day that you are meant to be yourself! And to me the best part of yourself Comes natural. Having a reminder constantly with you throughout the day of that is an amazing experience and it has transformed my life. I have use your products and I like them. I really appreciate the high-quality ingredients! I love your hair serum! It gets kinda dry in Wyoming so that stuff is amazing! If I was to give my opinion on a product improvement It would be make a headband that is an inch and a half to an inch and 3/4 thick with a fluffy/thick soft material. That’s just my thing😜

  11. I had to keep my hair and beard short for about 20 years due to my job. I retired and started growing my hair and beard back again and now both are longer than than ever before (just below my shoulder blades for the hair). I am now 62 and LOVE my hair! LETTIN’ IT RIDE!
    I also love your hair ties!

  12. I do not care what others think, I have a personal creed; make your own reality or by default you live someone else’s. I determine my own look, my own style and my own fate. Live your own life, don’t be a clone or a lemming be unique and revel in that uniqueness, there is no one else like you, be proud of that.

  13. The last time someone told me to cut my hair I told them about The Great Cut. They immediately changed their tune and gave me props for doing it.

  14. Like most of us, I get that on a regular basis. Most people are most accustomed to me with very short hair. It was actually my stylist who suggested I shake it up and grow it out “a little.” That was back in 2019 (so no, my hair isn’t a result of lock down). As my hair started getting longer, I realized how much i like it and all of the ways it can be worn. People (“friends”) will tell me to cut it and I always – politely, no need to be a d%ck – point out that I don’t tell them how to where their hair, dress, or even whether they should consider weight loss. Nope, I believe people can take care of themselves and we should all respect people for doing that. With that message – I change the subject or politely walk away. No space for negativity in this already challenging world!

  15. I spent a lot of time in jobs that required me to have short hair, and it seemed that every time I thought I could finally grow it out, something came along to end those attempts. I finally hit 50 and had the chance to try again, so I’m took it. Almost two years along now (I’ll be 52 in April), and it’s close to the point where I can get everything into a ponytail (the awkward stage was annoying). I’m not sure how long I’ll grow my locks, but I’m glad I can finally do it (and without having to cover bald spots). Plus, I do seem to get far more compliments than condemnation, which is nice. Ultimately, I like it, and that’s the opinion that matters most.

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