How Gus Made it Through the Awkward Stage
An Awkward Video, With an Awkward Guy, (formerly) in the Awkward Stage
You remember Gus from such dynamic appearances as An Awkward Stage Interview, Portraits of The Longhairs Part II, and our personal favorite, How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster, but he's never revealed his awkward stage hair tips...until now.
Life with awkward stage hair was tough for ‘ole Gus. There was doubt, uncertainty, and an army of naysayers. His path to the flow was beset with challenges, but he powered through with courage and commitment.
Awkward Stage Hair
Awkward Stage Hair Tips
Today, not only is Gus is a bona fide longhair, but he's arguably the hair envy of the entire headquarters staff at The Longhairs...and that's saying something.
In this exclusive video he shares a few of his best tips for overcoming the awkward stage, and his go-to tactics now that he’s in the club.
Brace yourself. This is pretty awkward.
This message has been evaluated and approved by the professionals at The Center For Awkward Stage Hair.

Awkward Stage Hair
a few ideas with pictures and translated in english language:
Love this video, keep it up guys! (Ps I was wondering how to protect my hair in the winter, my job requires me to be outside at times and it is getting cold) love you guys and your hair!
Yo Kain!
Thanks for writing in man! Thanks a million for subscribing to all our channels and following along.
GREAT question about cold temperatures, you definitely don’t want your hair freezing!
Are you allowed to wear a beanie at work? That would be my best suggestion. If you can’t, something to keep it tied up and close to your head. The more it’s out and exposed to the cold, the more it’s susceptible to freezing. Which, it might not be that bad, but if that’s happening every day it’s going to be damaging.
until your ear is covered, you can let them covered; it’s now admitted
wearing a cap should be seen as incorrect in an European office; , but you can usea mini hair clip to fix your bangs above your head, and then to make a half bun
for this purpose, you ought create a little flat barette discreet enough to be worn by a man in formal events
you can also use glasses as a tiara to stay your hair back; and, then, when your hair is long enough, a ponytail with hairties
que seguía siendo usted un niño grande, senor El Moreno !!! lol