A Fond Farewell to The Longhairs Global Headquarters
Updated: July 22, 2020
We Burned The Ships
It was a crucible moment.
Our studio was in the old Art & Design Building in Little Italy, a neighborhood on the northern edge of downtown San Diego. We loved working in that building, the people around us and the Little Italy community. We made friends, planted roots, hosted UFC watch parties and swanky holiday mixers. It was a hell of a good time, and it was home.
We’d been there since late 2012, when we started a web shop & digital marketing agency, selling websites for $500. We established our core ideology, emblazoned our values on the walls, and implanted ourselves in the community.
By late 2016 our income and our livelihood was still the agency, we had (finally) gotten pretty damn good at what we were doing. It had been two years since we started The Longhairs. We’d been selling hard lids & hair ties for about a year and publishing content once a week. We put what we could into it, but with a full-time agency, it was still a side project.
We reached a point where we realized we couldn’t continue doing both. You can’t climb two mountains at once. We had to make a decision: choose one and go all in.
There was very little money. There was no proof. There was no guarantee. But there was never a moment of doubt.
Reluctantly, we left our home in Little Italy. This video captures what it felt like.
Today The Longhairs is our full-time vocation, headquartered in the South Bay. The agency has been dissolved entirely. As El Moreno is fond of saying, we burned the ships… and there is no going back.
This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
The Original Post…
And The Journey Continues
Yo Longhairs!
The time has come for The Longhairs to leave our home in Little Italy to continue the unwavering pursuit of a global community for men with long hair.
The decision to leave a place we love was not made lightly, but this move represents the next step on the path from a start-up side project to a full time operation.
On our way out, we’re dropping the fabled Hair Ties For Guys V2 like a bomb.
Watch the epic reflection on where The Longhairs started, what our community has meant to us, and what it’s gonna take to go all in.