Get To Know The New Hair Ties
Open, Honest Conversations
Hair ties designs used to be one of those taboo topics guys didn’t talk about. It remained unspoken, but every guy with long hair has had questions—along with opinions, preferences, and even downright convictions.
For most guys those cards were kept close to the chest, until The Longhairs and Hair Ties For Guys. We planted our flag and unequivocally declared to men around the world that it’s ok to talk about hair ties.
Thenceforth we have harbored a safe place where we can have mature conversations about hair ties. We cracked the ice with a groundbreaking piece, The Essential Hair Tie Review For Men, then really started getting to know our hair ties in Your Favorite Hair Ties For Guys.
We dug even deeper with What Makes Hair Ties For Guys Different? And finally, we began having open and honest group discussions about new hair ties in Hair Ties For Guys V3.1.
It’s safe to say there has never been a better time for men to talk about hair ties.

Getting Acquainted With The Cryptos, The Shreddy Bettys and More New Hair Ties Designs
And so, here in 2022 as we launch the brandest, spankinest, newest packs in the world, we would fail to perform our duty if we didn’t hold a serious and candid discourse about these five new collections of Hair Ties For Guys.
Besides, you might end up liking them, and you should get acquainted before you jump into anything serious.
As the discussion unfolds, it’s important to remember they’re not just hair ties. Each has its own unique identity, a personality and endearing characteristics. No doubt you’ll appreciate them as such whilst the boys reveal and reflect on the new hair ties.
Any advice on how to clean my hair ties with minimal damage to the material and color fading?
Hey Ryan, great question! We’ve seen customers have success putting their hair ties in a 12×18 laundry bag and putting that in the washing machine. Once you’re done drying they should be clean without any damage or change to the hair tie.
dear Barbara; i believe it the last time your order a headband for your grandson, for he will quickly be able to tie his mane, and your next order should be hair ties…lol
let him grow !!!!!!!!!!
First; I love y’all’s products. I use your hair ties (I have 25 or so), shampoo, and conditioner- which I loooooove! Great stuff. Please keep it up!
I’ve also watched so many of your videos. Most don’t apply to me but I still gain a lot from them.
What I’d really like to see is something to really help me keep “letting it ride”. I’m 42. I have a ton of long, fine, wavy to curly strands. It’s starting to gray. I really thing I try my very best to take care of it. I only wash maybe once a week or every ten days. I go from co-washing often to to co-washing less. It just seems dry and floppy all the time. I can’t style it. It’s just always in my face. All I can do is tie it up. Which is great at times but I have long hair! I want to let it down and I want it to look great but I simply don’t know how (literally how – the proper techniques) to dry, or apply product or brush and style in a way that it stays that way. It always goes puffy and ends up in my face, annoying the ever loving hell out of me. I’m just about ready to go back to short hair. I’m just holding out. I keep thinking it’ll get better. But hell….it’s already down my back so I feel like I’m pretty far away from the awkward stages.
Again, love your products. Just wish there was someone out there that could teach us long haired guys the real methods that every single woman seems to know. FYI my wife has short hair and it’s really straight so she can’t really help me.
Matt, we are so pumped to have you in the community. Thank you for your support and for repping the hair ties! The Longhairs was created just for guys like you to teach you how to brush, style, and apply product to your long hair. Here are a few blogs that may be able to help you out!
– How to Wear Your Hair Down Like a Boss
– How To Shampoo Your Hair Properly
– How to Condition Your Hair Properly
– How to Use Hair Serum
I purchased this product for my grandson that has long hair (chin length). He us entitled yi his choice, and I have only one issue with it: it covers his face and eyes completely! Granted, i am older (and I know i sound like my mother). I would love to see either short videos on YouTube or avaliable on your website on ways to style men’s hair with your hair ties.
Thank you!