Pandemic Podcast

Let It Ride EP 81: The Pandemic Podcast

In Advocate by El Moreno3 Comments

The Core Four Back in Action for The Pandemic Podcast

Observing social distancing guidelines and protocol, the core four reconvened this week at The Longhairs Headquarters for the first time since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

With stay at home orders in place across most of the United States, our routines have been disrupted, we are adjusting to a new and different everyday life, and in many cases our worlds have been turned upside down.

Despite the many challenges people are facing, we take a moment to reflect on some of the positives resulting from the coronavirus, from families spending more time with each other, to everyone sitting around growing their hair out.

Living in a changed world, we felt compelled to bring the team back together, share how we have each been faring through the global crisis, and bring you up to speed on what’s happening with The Longhairs.

What you'll hear about:
  • An update from El Gustavo’s family
  • The White Ties ongoing design contest
  • New headwraps about to launch
  • New collection of Hair Ties For Guys on deck
  • Jefferson Jay’s one finger project #liftonefingerforlove
Join the core four at The Longhairs HQ for Episode 81 of Let It Ride: The Pandemic Podcast.
In Loving Memory
Jose Angel Murillo Jones
1936 - 2020
This episode of Let It Ride is brought to you by Hair Ties For Guys, the finest hair ties in the world. Guaranteed.

How are you faring during the pandemic? We’d love to hear an update.