Using the Wet Brush – For Men
We’ve heard a lot of hype about the wet brush. But (predictably), nothing about the wet brush for men. Sounded like a clear-cut mission for The Longhairs.
Here’s the deal: how to brush your hair for men has been well-documented. While the cardinal rule is to never brush with wet hair, the fact is we don’t always have time to follow the proper protocol by drying our hair before brushing with proper technique.
Especially if you have a strict morning regimen—workout, feed, shower, dress, bail—it’s hard to find an extra 10-15 minutes for drying and brushing, not to mention if you’re gonna twist up a sick braid or high ball.
Based on that need and everything we’ve heard about it, we felt compelled to provide a proper review and standard operating procedure on using the wet brush for men.
Not gonna spoil it here…but guys. Spell it with us: G-A-M-E C-H-A-N-G-E-R.
If you don’t want to be damaging your hair by brushing wet, and you don’t have time for a full drying and brushing routine, this is gold.
So watch this video on the wet brush for men. Or you can watch a bunch of product reviews and tutorials for women.
Do you want more tips, advice and hair knowledge for men? Sign up for our emails below and get longhairs freshness delivered once a week.