The Shocker Host of The Mane Event

Welcome to The Mane Event

In Celebrate by The Shocker4 Comments



Out of Las Vegas, Nevada, the world’s first and only pro wrestling magic comedian, delivering 1.21 gigawatts of mischief, mayhem, off-beat comedy and mind-bending magic, like him or hate him you’re going to remember him…
He is The Master Of Magical Mayhem, The Piledriver of Prestidigitation, The Ambassador of Kick-Your-Assador, he is…THE SHOCKER!


Hair-raising news, follicle-focused facts, kook stories, longhairs of the week, cameo appearances and more!


The Mane Supremacy

Just when you thought you were safe, The Shocker is back in this highly-anticipated episode, where we reveal the secret to saving the universe , announce our Longhair Of The Week, and get an expert hair tip with a special guest appearance from our favorite BMX lady.
Larry Fitzgerald featured on The Mane Event.
Joce featured on The Mane Event.
Featuring a special guest appearance from…
Joce putting her helmet on in The Mane Event, Episode 2: The Mane Supremacy

Meet Joce “Rad BMX Chick”

A self-described BMX chick in a world of full-grown dudes on little kid bikes, Joce is all-in on the small bike life and all that comes with it—including bruises, road rash and eating shit on big scary jumps. Join the full-stoke gnar party and follow Joce as she paves the way for rad women in historically male-dominated sports.

Rip It Up With Joce


The Shockening

The Shocker introduces our inaugural episode with a diabolically delectable rant, some dastardly devilish digs, a split-your-slacks kook story from El Rubio and more.
The Shocker: Host of The Main Event

The Shocker

He’s a magician, comedian, entertainer, performer, businessman and authentic longhair for life, listen to the shocking saga unfold with The Shocker on The Longhairs podcast.

Get Shocked


  1. Well done. The Shocker is the perfect host for The Mane Event! He’s a joy to watch and listen to. Perfect debut.

    Keep it coming.

    Hair whips & high-fives to ya!

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