Let it Ride Episode 48: A Win For Students With Long Hair

In Advocate by El Gustavo7 Comments

Growing For A Cause

Every guy with long hair has a reason for growing it out. Cole Taylor is no different.

Entering his junior year at a small town Texas high school, he decided in February he wanted to grow his hair out. A three-sport letter athlete, his desire started like most guys: he just wondered what leading a life of locks would be like.

As he started growing, however, the notion came to his mind that he wanted to grow it to donate. A close family friend, for whom he had great respect and admiration, had lost his life to cancer. Cole’s hope was to do something in reverence for his friend, and others who battle with illness.


Only problem was, his school maintained a strict personal grooming policy pertaining to boys’ hair: the mane musn’t approach the eyebrows in the front, nor the collar in the back, nor encroach upon the ears.

As Cole’s mane advanced toward the boundaries of the code, he started hearing comments. Friendly mostly, in good fun, but foreboding the inevitable reprimand. Stalling for time he went for a cleanup trim, buying enough room around the collar to make it through the end of the school year.

While policies were relaxed during the summer, he knew come fall there would be trouble if he didn’t act.

So act he did. With the support of his parents he sought counsel from The Longhairs, and dialed into the Red Phone.


What happened next would send shockwaves through his small Texas town—and have even greater implications for longhairs across the globe.

Biding his time over a steamy Texas summer, he devised a concrete plan, and waited for the perfect moment to launch his strategy.

For the first time on record, in an exclusive sit-down with The Longhairs, Cole shares his story, which you can now hear on Let It Ride.


What you'll hear about:

  • How Cole navigated the personal grooming policy at his school.
  • Four concrete tactics for approaching prohibitive hair policies.
  • Why long hair makes you a superior athlete.
  • Another win for hair equality.

We also want to give the nod to Cole’s parents, who supported him throughout his experience, as well as the administrators at his school whose understanding and flexibility have allowed Cole to pursue his goal of attending The Great Cut.

Another Win For The Good Guys

Listen to Cole Taylor on The Longhairs Podcast, Episode 48: A Win For Students With Long Hair.


Cole is a respectful young man, a three sport athlete, a model student and All-American longhair. Hat’s off to ya kid, we’ll see ya in March.

This episode of Let It Ride is brought to you by Hair Ties For Guys, the finest men’s hair ties in the world. You can find these and other superior products for men with long hair in The Men’s Aisle, at thelonghairs.US.
Have you encountered a grooming policy at school, work or elsewhere?
We’d love to hear about it.