Let It Ride Episode 39: Get Your Girl Saying YES to Your Long Hair

In Celebrate by El MorenoLeave a Comment

A Fireside Reading of “Living With a Longhair”

Before there were Hair Ties For Guys, or headwraps, or hair serum, even before the monikers of El Rubio and El Moreno, The Longhairs published content. For a long time, that’s all we did.

Here at blog post #199, it can be easy to forget about the early content. But today we’re going all the way back to blog post #12, our first ever guest post published in February, 2015, by none other than La Rubia.

Before she was El Moreno’s wife, she was El Moreno’s fiancé. And she had a hair problem.


The Mess, The Stress, The Awesome-ness

You see, for every married man who grows his hair out, there’s a woman picking hair out of the shower drain. For every longhaired man living with a woman, there’s a lady removing excess hair from her brush. Add a longhaired dog to the mix, and you’re living in a proverbial hair factory.

In this legendary throwback post, La Rubia laments her experience of friends and family asking when her man’s gonna cut his hair, hairballs in every cottage corner, and everything else that comes with Living With a Longhair.

Listen to La Rubia tell her dramatic story on The Longhairs Podcast, Episode 39: A Fireside Reading of “Living With a Longhair.”


This episode of Let It Ride is brought to you by Hair Ties For Guys, the finest men’s hair ties in the world. You can find these and other superior products for men with long hair in The Men’s Aisle, at thelonghairs.US.

La Rubia

La Rubia is wife of El Moreno and mother of their child. She’s a teacher by trade but a saleswoman at heart, a go-getter with a get-it-done attitude, a runner, athlete and all around boss. Her #1 tip? “Just stick to the script.” And don’t worry about her IG cuz thas my wife mothaf***a.
Send this to a lady who should see it!
How does your girl put up with your long hair?

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