The New HQ
Expanding Operations
In September 2020 we expanded The Longhairs headquarters. Transforming our existing office into a complete warehouse, shipping and fulfillment center, we acquired a new space about the same size in the adjacent building.
The new place is modest, in keeping with our humble beginnings in Little Italy.
Our first two offices were in the Art & Design building on Kettner Boulevard, our home of four years as a digital marketing agency, and later The Longhairs. We moved out in December 2016, a necessary sacrifice to make the jump to a full-time business.
Operating from El Moreno’s garage over the next year, we published content, developed products, got jacked and prepared for a dramatic appearance on Shark Tank.
In summer 2018, with daily garage temperatures exceeding 100 degrees we were compelled to find a new office, electing to stay nearby in Chula Vista. Since then the South Bay Headquarters has served us well, but with increased order volume, more inventory, new staff, and a need for readily available creative space, it was time to expand.
We looked at some fancy, more expensive places, including a downtown office overlooking Petco Park, and a bigger space in our old building on Kettner. While exceedingly dope, these would have been three or four times the cost, and in the end we decided to stay put.
The additional space now accommodates two offices, dedicated space for photography, video and podcast, and a place we can welcome visitors or watch the ballgame with a few longhairs. We simply call it The Headquarters, while the shipping and fulfillment center is affectionately dubbed The Warehouse.
What’s it all mean?
For you it means we’ll continue delivering top notch customer service while relentlessly churning out fresh content each and every week. For us it’s one more step in the pursuit of our core vision and values.
Here we capture a glimpse of the four-day expansion process, a few of the challenges along the way, and finally getting DIALED in our new space. Step right in, and welcome to the new HQ.