The Best Of 2021, And What To Expect In 2022

In Celebrate by El Rubio5 Comments

How It Went Down in 2021

In classic form, we saved this New Year’s post for January 3.

You’ll notice a contrast between this and our first New Year’s post from 2015, Long Hair, New Year, Keep Letting It Ride! Most obvious is the difference in production value, coherence, overall polish, and the presence of a storyline.

This one is highlighted by members of our staff reliving their best moments at The Longhairs from 2021, the announcement of our new global headquarters in a 5,000-square foot reinforced concrete bunker, and a sneak peek at our new products and packaging redesign, into which we dedicated the most intense, focused team effort and resources of any project in 2021.

While the differences are clear, the takeaways strike the same chord: we’re going to keep creating, and we’re going to keep letting it ride. Here’s a slice of what to expect, as we thank you for being part of The Longhairs in 2022.

Wishing you joy, prosperity and five to eight inches of healthy hair growth in the new year.


  1. Fantastic video guys! I am a 64 year old man and decided to let my hair grow (since I couldn’t get it cut during pandemic shutdowns).

    I rocked long hair in my teens and early 20’s. Entered corporate America, so I “grew up and got a business man haircut “ Lol

    I noticed in 2019, that my hair still grows at a good rate, and little to no gray (bonus!), so why not?

    I am a chef these days, so I needed a good quality hair tie. That’s when I found your products. I am more than pleased with these and love the designs.

    I am still a rocker at heart and still go to concerts with my 32 years old son. I get lots of comments and compliments about my hair (double bonus)

    I can’t seem to attach photos here, but would be happy to send some if you’d provide me an email address.

    They call me El Cocinero (the chef)

    1. What’s up Peter! Great to hear man and welcome! Stoked that you found us.

  2. in case of earthquake, one tip: go quickly along an external wall for much concrete buildings are made with the ceiling tiles on pillars, and they often make a mill ( remember the Port au Prince earthquake…)
    question: how much items a 5000 square feet surface can contain?…..;;;lol

  3. The balls u guys. Rock it. Cool video. Awesome success success. Long hairs rock

  4. Alright, WHAT a year! So much accomplished and now…space to accomplish even more!

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