Droppin Beats and Braids with Ralph Quasar
Create For the Love of Creation
That concept is something that we take seriously around here. Week in and week out we have created unique content, and our latest guest on Let It Ride is no different.
For the last 6 years Ralph Quasar has been putting out sounds from the heart and creating art on his own terms.
Coming from a background in traditional instruments, learning piano, guitar, bass and drums as a youngster, he truly found his calling when his brother introduced him to hip hop.
It was then he was inspired to start working towards creating his own unique signature sound. With a steady following in the local San Diego hip hop scene, Ralph is known for his unique drums, hard bass lines and dope jazzy style riffs.

Standing six feet, four inches with two feet of luscious red locks and fiery beard to match, Ralph Quasar undoubtedly has a presence. What’s more powerful though, is the way he looks at his art.
He’s not in it to be famous or make billions, as some may think about the music industry; he simply creates for the love of creating.

That’s an important aspect to life and a belief we subscribe to here at The Longhairs. There is something about creating that makes you feel...and as Ralph says in this podcast, “I like to FEEL.”
With El Rubio on assignment, El Moreno co-hosts this episode with our main man Jefferson Jay, who provided thought-provoking questions, hilarious commentary, and a freestyle for the ages.
What you'll hear about:

Ralph Quasar is a producer/emcee and longhair best known as 18sense in the duo, 18scales. The North County San Diego group offers listeners kick-you-in-the-chest punch lines, playful braggadocio, and heartfelt introspection all atop soul-stringing production that’s as innovative as it is honoring to the legacies of beatmakers.
- @ralphquasar
- ralphaquasar.com (coming soon)

This episode of Let It Ride is brought to you by The Hunt for The Holiday Spirit. Please take a moment to visit this landmark project on GoFundMe.
What do you create?