ponytail for men

How to Tie Your Long Hair

In Educate by El Rubio19 Comments

Example of How to Tie Your Long Hair

10 Years of Hair Tutorials

Over 1.5 million guys have learned how to tie a ponytail for men from this tutorial. Published in 2015, it was our very first instructional guide for men with long hair…and to this day it’s our number one most-watched video on YouTube.

Introducing myself awkwardly as “Chris,” it’s funny to think about what we knew back then. It was our first time growing long hair, and every day was the longest it had ever been.

We were learning as we went, and we didn’t know what was coming next—not only with our hair, but with our videos, our content, and with The Longhairs. Would anyone watch? Does anyone care??

Whelp, nearly 10 years later and we’re still pumping out long hair tutorials and original content for guys with flow.

A Message For Men With Manes

Congratulations on becoming a longhair. You know this because you’ve reached the internationally recognized benchmark: it’s long enough to tie it up.

With great power comes great responsibility, and with great hair comes great pain: hair in your face. All. The. Time.

You’ll need to tie it up sometimes, but you want some options. As a man with long hair, you’ve already decided to be different. You can and should be willing to try new and different things with your mane, including but not limited to this ponytail for men.

Tying A Ponytail For Men

There’s no difference between a ponytail for men and women, except men’s long hairstyles should have cooler names than ‘man bun’ and ‘up-do.’

Thus we call it a menstail, and it’s probably the first way you’ll ever tie up your hair: a simple, basic, introductory tie. It pulls your hair back, gets it out of your face, and keeps it under control. This also covers the basics of using a hair tie, and that’s important.

Looking back at this video, the production value was modest, the demonstrations were simple, and we were an undeveloped brand. Even so, the concepts are sound, showing one of many ponytails for men, other effective tie-ups, and simple variations.

Another Ponytail For Men…5 Years Later

These same fundamentals are the basis for the 5-year anniversary edition, a fresher take on the basic ponytail for men. First you’ll see an intro with the tools and products being used, followed by a quick hair preparation walkthrough.

Then we cover The Menstail, The Foldover, The Half High Ball and The Sloppy Joe, mixing in a few variations for each, addressing different hair lengths and preferences, while pulling in various accessories.

Key Takeaways

  • Fundamental Techniques: The video revisits the basics of tying long hair, offering timeless methods that are easy to follow.
  • Step-by-Step Guides: Detailed instructions for various styles like The Menstail, The Foldover, The Half High Ball, and more.
  • Tool Recommendations: Insights into the tools and products needed for effective hair tying.
  • Hair Length Considerations: Tips tailored for different hair lengths to ensure each style works well.

A Step-By-Step Ponytail For Men

Here are the step-by-step instructions with still photos. You’ll notice the hair tie being used was one of our first prototypes. Today this exact hair tie is encased in glass for safekeeping and sealed off from sunlight, awaiting the day when a global museum of long hair is erected.

1. Put your hair tie on the wrist of your dominant hand.

How to tie a ponytail for men, step 1.
2. Use both hands to gently pull your hair together at the back of your skull.
How to tie a ponytail for men, step 2.
3. Hold your hair at the base making a circle with the thumb and index finger of the hand your hair tie is on.
How to tie a ponytail for men, step 3.

Need Hair Ties? We Got You!

The Let It Rides

Keeping it on brand with The Longhairs official brand colors, The Let It Rides include gold, navy, crimson and stone hair ties.
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The Let It Rides - Hair Ties For Guys

4. Use your other hand to grab the hair tie from your wrist; stretch it over your hand and hair, pulling your hair the rest of the way through.

How to tie a ponytail for men, step 4.
5. You're now holding the tie with your other hand. Stick 3-5 fingers inside the loop of the tie, give it one twist using your wrist, then grab your hair with the fingers you're using to hold the tie open.
How to tie a ponytail for men, step 5.
6. Once again stretch the tie over your hair and wrist with your opposite hand, pulling your hair through. Repeat this one or two more times, depending on how much the tie stretches.
How to tie a ponytail for men, step 6.
7. For a menstail: pull your hair all the way through on your last loop.
How to tie a ponytail for men, step 7.

Hair Ties For Any Occasion

Strong enough for a woman...but pH-balanced for a man.
8. For a foldover: pull you hair only halfway through, folding it over on top of itself on the final loop.
A variation on a ponytail for men.

9. Cinch it down if by pulling the hair apart in two directions right at the base of the the hair tie. This will also help you add some volume to your foldover.

Mens Bun
You’re now one of millions of guys who have learned how to tie a ponytail for men. Use this newfound knowledge wisely, and go forth rocking those locks with confidence. When you’ve mastered these basics and you’re ready for more, we have all the men’s long hairstyles you can whip your hair at.
Long hairstyles for men

All The Long Hairstyles

Tie-ups, braids, The High Ball, The Foldover and many more. Visit our complete library of long hairstyles for men, from the guys who actually wear them.

Who Are These Guys?

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What are the fundamental styles for tying long hair?
Techniques include The Menstail, The Foldover, The Half High Ball, and The Sloppy Joe, each with step-by-step instructions.

What tools do I need to tie my long hair?
Essential tools include Hair Ties For Guys, which are available here.

Are there styles suitable for different hair lengths?
Yes, we cover tatics for various lengths. Ensuring all men can find suitable styles no matter the stage in their hair growth journey.

Can I join a community for more tips on long hair?
Yes, The Longhairs community offers support, additional content, and a space to connect with other men with long hair.