Bangin With Joey Muha
a superstorm of percussion and hair whips
You’ve heard of Super Mario Brothers. You’ve heard of Gilligan’s Island. You probably haven’t heard their theme songs played with intense heavy metal drumming.
Until now.
That’s how professional drummer Joey Muha has carved out a brand for himself: playing every familiar theme song, tune and jingle imaginable with metal drumming. Heavy metal drumming.
And we got to rap with him in this episode of The Longhairs Professional Series. From Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to The Little Mermaid, Joey’s performances are a superstorm of percussion and hair whips.
You can check a few of these below, and hundreds more on his YouTube channel, but you can only hear The Longhairs rapping with Joey right here. Talking long hair, business and striking things violently for a living.
So listen up.
Check out Joey here.
And on Instagram.
And on Facebook.
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