C’YA! Origins and Etiquette

In Celebrate by El Rubio20 Comments

The Legend of C’YA

Even if you were listening closely, you might not have known what you heard when you heard it for the first time. After a second or third time, you were certain you’d heard something.

Of course we are talking about C’YA, the renowned parting salutation adopted by The Longhairs and spoken by many of our kindred.

From humble beginnings C’YA has reached far and wide to the corners of the globe, striking wonder, fascination and often confusion into the hearts of the unenlightened.

Though you may have heard it, or even used it, or it may indeed be implanted within your soul, few know the history and heritage of C’YA.

As not the owners but merely the wielders of this knowledge, we are honored to share with you the origins of C’YA, complete with definitions, notes on pronunciation, usage, etiquette and tips for new users.

If you have ever wondered...this is for you.



C’YA is an aggressively-styled abbreviation of "see you," used most commonly (though not exclusively) as a departing salutation delivered with exclamation, translated literally as, “see you later,” or “see you another time.”

Rules on Pronunciation

1) The word is a contraction of “see” /ˈsi/, and “ya” /ya/ (as in short for you):

“see-ya” or /ˈsi/ /ya/

2) Stress or emphasis should always be placed on the former syllable and not the latter, thus:

/ˈsi/ /ya/

/ˈsi/ /ya/

3) As a contraction it’s a short, tight word.

4) The /ˈsi/ can be elongated with anticipation: SSSSSSS-C’YA!

5) Not so much the /ya/, which should always be pronounced crisply.

6) C’YA should be uttered with a deeper tone, from the diaphragm.

7) C’YA should always be exclaimed, even when used with an indoor voice.


Usage and Etiquette

Though its definition isn’t vastly broad, its application is by no means limited. Often used with a brisk salute, with no military significance but simply a gesture of camaraderie, additional notes on usage and etiquette are provided as a guideline.
Proper (do’s)
  • In place of saying, “goodbye.”
  • In closing a video or podcast.
  • When a golf ball has been sliced into the woods.
  • When a batter is struck out (swinging or looking), or a runner is hosed.
  • When a combatant is pinned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise defeated.
Improper (please don’t)
  • In place of saying, “hello.”
  • Saying, “see you.”
  • Saying, "bye," after saying C'YA.
  • When taking an oath for military service.
  • When instructed to say, “I do.”

Tips For New Users

Anyone is welcome to adopt C’YA. For newer users, here are a few tips to keep in mind on early attempts:

  • Don’t try to do it perfectly, just give yourself a chance.
  • Try it on for size and see how it fits. You’ll have plenty of time to make adjustments.
  • Choose an opportune moment. When you feel like you’re ready, let er rip.
  • Don’t try to explain it afterwards or say anything else; just depart and let it linger.
  • Above all, own it.

Origins of C’YA

The forefather and originator of C’YA, as best it can be traced back in history, was Tim Beaudry of Sarasota, Florida, a fireman, fishing boat captain and dear friend of Lane Healy, father of Chris Healy, better known in some circles as El Rubio.

Legend has it Beaudry began experimenting with early versions of C’YA while tarpon fishing in the canal behind his grandfather Mr. Bole’s house in the late 1960’s.

Introduced in training as young firemen from Florida and California, respectively, Beaudry and Healy spent the early years of their youth traveling, fishing, diving, skiing and fraternizing, during which the use of C’YA gained strength and vitality.

Two bros in Miami, FL.

Healy is largely credited with the westward expansion of C’YA during this period, employing it’s use early and often, from his service on the ambulance to the firehouse.

Tim Beaudry and Lane Healy in the Florida Keys

Though Beaudry was compelled to maintain a shorter haircut, following his service in the fire department he soon grew a mane to be celebrated—perhaps foreshadowing the establishment of The Longhairs nearly 20 years later.

A Youthful El Rubio, a Longhaired Beaudry and The Lane Train

It’s safe to say El Rubio was heavily influenced during these formative years.

Like a family artifact, C’YA was passed down to El Rubio, used amongst friends through childhood, its popularity expanding rapidly at Fresno State and widely through the national Sigma Nu Fraternity, having now reached around the world many times over.*

*there is no evidence C’YA has made it to Antarctica.
Lane Healy and Chris Healy in The Bahamas, 1997

And so it has been embraced by The Longhairs. Much like the 2-low salute has become our secret handshake, C’YA has been adopted as our fondest parting salutation.

While we encourage and perpetuate its use, C’YA is not ours to keep. We are but humble stewards. It’s to be spread, and used, enthusiastically, creatively, and generously.

Tim, Laner and Shaner

Grievously, our dear friend is no longer with us. But with every C’YA we give a silent nod to the memory of Tim Beaudry: Fireman, Fishing Boat Captain and Best Bud.

C’YA Lives On

Some day we’ll all say our final C’YA. When we have, we’ll know a new generation will carry on the legend, from parting ways with good buddies to swinging strikeouts on huge breaking sliders.

Until that time comes, make all your C’YAs count.


In Loving Memory

Tim Beaudry, Originator of C’YA
Fireman, Fishing Boat Captain, Friend
1967 - 2004
