Enjoying The Ride

In Celebrate by El Spencerino3 Comments

And Letting It Ride

What’s up my fellow longhairs?! The name’s El Spencerino and I’m fortunate to be the newest addition to an already-solid group of dudes. Just like you, I’m a huge fan of what The Longhairs stands for and I’m stoked to be enjoying the ride.

I’ve learned there are so many more people that have joined with us. As we all know, being a longhair is a state of mind because long hair lives in the heart.

THAT’S What Counts

It counts because that’s what makes you one of us. Nowhere did this become more apparent to me than yesterday, where undying bonds were forged and our fraternity of fantastic fleece grew even stronger.

On a stunningly beautiful day a small posse of bros gathered to showcase some new Hair Ties For Guys (more on that in a sec).

Bros checking out the new Hair Ties For Guys in 'Enjoying The Ride'

El Garvinski, El Moreno and I piled into the rig and headed to Robb Field to meet the boys. El Gustavo trailed with 14 fresh new collections. That’s right. 14.

There, we met Elefante, where we were briefed on our mission for the afternoon. In the midst of all this, several more longhairs showed up, high fives and hair-whips were exchanged, and the photoshoot was ON!

What It Means

Afterwards, El Moreno and I were chilling back at the HQ talking about how incredible it all was. Did things run as smooth as silk? No. Our plans in life rarely do. One thing was certain though. Yesterday was a testament to our core values in action. Which ones specifically?

  • Team spirit and contagious enthusiasm
  • Unwavering confidence and determination to achieve
  • Building and influencing community from San Diego outward

Even more specifically, Jose and I were able to dive SUPER deep (which will have to wait for another post/podcast/etc).

Ratty Maty the BMX guy did absolutely mind-blowing tricks over the quarter pipe (and even bouncing off the fence a few times, which was super dope).

El Sergioso talked to me about music which, as a drummer, was greatly appreciated.

El Suavecito reflected on life in LA after moving there from Connecticut and the ups and downs that came with it.

Professor Marv shared war stories with me about lifting. Specifically how we can both hoist the 200-pounders at the gym. No joke.

California Jones and his fierce cat-o-nine-tails-esque flow of locs blew me away with his pitch on the importance of referral cards (get yours here). We need to spread the word, fellas! Let’s get on it!

It was pretty clear...everyone on the shoot was enjoying the ride.

We Should All Be Enjoying The Ride

This was a huge experience for me because I was able to connect with so many different people from different walks of life. We had guys that hail from different parts of the country, from different backgrounds and cultures, and they all congregated here.

What’s amazing is that no matter how different we are, how varied our interests may be, or how many years are between us, each and every one of us shares a common bond.

This ideal alone makes us homies. The experience I had yesterday made me feel as though we had all been bros for decades. The love and enthusiasm that we all share for this community has power to bring us all together and helps me realize that it’s bigger than hair...and at the same time, it isn’t.

And I think that’s wickedly sick.