Confessions of a Shorthair
The Longhairs’ Social Media Manager Tells All
Dear Longhairs,
You don’t know me, but I know all of you, all too well.
My name is Charlie Cairncross.
I’m the social media manager for The Longhairs. I’m not El Rubio, or El Moreno, or even El Gustavo, I don’t have an “El”. I like to keep it short, so you can just call me Chuck.
I’ve been a shorthair all my life. I hit the barber shop every month or so. “3 on the sides, 1½” off the top, tapered back” I tell them. As I watch the trimmings fall to the ground, I think of how disappointed El Rubio and El Moreno will be with me when I visit them next.
That shorthair struggling in the back? Yeah that’s me.
“LET IT RIDE CHUCK!!” I hear it over and over again. But you know what? I didn’t choose the short hair life, the short hair life chose me. I come from a long line of shorthairs. Besides a brief hiccup during the 60’s & 70’s, (you may have seen my dad during our Father’s Day post) the fam and I have always kept it short. Being raised in private schools with strict dress codes, I never really had a choice.
“So why not grow it out now?”
This is where my confession comes into play.
I have been follicly oppressed my whole life. So much so that now, when I start to taste freedom, I shy away. Right when I get to the tipping point between short hair and awkward stage, I back out.
When I first started for The Longhairs last September, I tried growing it out. I probably got 3-4 months into the awkward stage and pulled out. Shameful, I know. Maybe it was the greasy hair that got to me, maybe it was the overall awkwardness. Maybe I thought that if I rep the brand, then people will know I’m a Longhair at heart, and that will be good enough.
Now, I look on to you Longhairs with envy. I’ll never understand what it’s really like to do a hairwhip, come up with a sick twist for Tuesday or know how is feels to just let the flow ride in the wind. Worse yet, I won’t be able to rock Hair Ties For Guys.
You Longhairs with your follicle freedom. You don’t realize how good you have it! Don’t take it for granted. Being able to change up your hairstyle every day is bad ass. All I’ve got is the side part. You guys have unlimited options to work with.
I’m stoked to be an honorary member of this community. I think it’s sick to see Longhairs enjoying the lifestyle everyday when I’m looking for a sick #HairWhipWednesday, #TwistedTuesday, or #ManeUpdateMonday. I love being a part of the Longhair community. Because it’s about more than just Longhair, it’s about embracing freedom and individuality.
That’s why I need YOU to send us your badass whip every Wednesday, twist every Tuesday and a mane update every Monday. I need you guys to rep the long hair community and showoff those powerful locks you’ve worked so hard to earn.
I ask you to do this for me and all the shorthairs like me. The one’s who dream of epic hair barrels, cool braids and the hopes of making it to #FamousLonghairFriday. Because longhair lives in the heart.
DM Your Photos or Use #ManeUpdateMonday, #TwistedTuesday & #HairWhipWednesday.
I’ll be the one to make sure it gets posted on our social channels. Instagram is best @thelonghairs, but hit us up wherever you like!