The Longhairs Emcee the Children With Hair Loss Charity Ball 2022

In Advocate by El Rubio5 Comments

The Main Event at the 2022 Charity Ball

On November 5 The Longhairs attended and emceed the Children With Hair Loss Charity Ball 2022, and subsequently made our annual donation on Giving Tuesday.

The video below features captivating highlights from the event, but first we offer insight into how we make our financial donations—and why we’re proud to partner with Children With Hair Loss.

The Longhairs giving Tuesday donation of $5,145 to Children With Hair Loss

“A Percentage of Profits”

Many companies donate to charity, but if you pay attention to the language, it’s often “a percentage of profits,” or “a portion of proceeds,” which leaves a significant grey area.


A “percentage” or “portion” is ambiguous. How much and how often? Is it consistent? A “percentage of profits” is even murkier. Is it profit at the end of every month? Quarter? Year? What happens in months or years where there is no profit?

We are proud to say we donate 1% of our top-line revenue to our charity partners at Children With Hair Loss. Using concrete, transparent language leaves little room for interpretation.

It means we donate consistently in good times and lean times, profits or not. It also means you know with certainty that every time you buy from The Longhairs, 1% of the revenue from your order is going to Children With Hair Loss.

More Than The Money

Kids dancing on stage at the Children With hair Loss 2022 Charity Ball

Beyond the financial support, what’s more important is showing we care. That means investing time, like traveling to Michigan for the Children With Hair Loss Charity Ball 2022, getting to know the children and their families, and hyping them up when they take the stage.

A lot of these kids don’t get much attention. When they do, it’s often bad attention, like staring, teasing or even bullying. At the Charity Ball they are the center of attention, where they are loved, appreciated and made to feel important.

Furthermore, in an organization where most of the recipients are girls, and much of the staff and volunteers are women, we have a unique opportunity to bring a balance of positive masculinity. It’s a role we are grateful to serve.

Charity Ball 2022

It all makes sense when you watch the highlights from the Charity Ball 2022, where El Rubio and El Moreno had the privilege to emcee and introduce the children on the big stage. El Garvinski captured the action, where the hype was real, the energy was palpable and the kids were undeniable.
Children With Hair Loss Logo

Healing Young Hearts

Founded in 2000, Children With Hair Loss has provided over 8,000 hair replacements, having never charged a dollar or turned a child away. Each hair replacement can cost up to $1,500, paid for entirely through donations and fundraising.

Donate $1

We urge you to join us in making a tax-deductible donation to Children With Hair Loss, even if it’s just a dollar—because it’s not how many dollars…it’s how many donors.
Let us know when you’ve made a donation in the comments!


  1. Author

    This was, without a doubt, the best Charity Ball we’ve been to so far. Tons of love to Children With Hair Loss, all the recipients we got to spend time with and their families!

  2. In 2019, it was an event I’ll never forget. This year looked equally incredible. So special to be able to see where your contributions are going as a customer as an associate to the business.

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