Let it Ride Episode 53: A Fireside Reading of “Put the Scissors Down and Count to 10”
Back Away From the Scissors Bro
Taking it back DEEP again! This time we revisit blog post #4, Put the Scissors Down and Count to 10, originally published on December 18, 2014.
We had three blog posts published when we first launched the website (actually re-launched; we’d previously had a rough beta version live on the internet...wish we had screenshots). From that point forward we posted once a week, so this was the first week with a blog deadline.
Since then we have lived with the weekly demands of the content—so we hope you like this shit! lol. I believe we had three or four posts in the queue back then, ready to be scheduled. How quickly those dried up, putting us in week-to-week territory, and here we are.
It’s fun to look back at these now and see where we were, what we were thinking, how we were saying it. And shit man, I gotta say! Pretty damn consistent.
Realize, we didn’t have all our lingo established back then, our zingers and slogans and taglines and one-liners. We certainly didn’t have our monikers, it was just Chris and Lindsay making shit up. The vernacular was just being written...but you know what? It sounds pretty much the same (although we may have been a little saltier back then).
Fortunately now, for your audio entertainment, you can literally hear El Moreno reading it out loud. Be sure to go back to the post itself for some classic photos, especially getting my hair caught in an elevator door.