Locks, Lines & Lures

In Celebrate by El Rubio2 Comments

One of the Best Guys We Know

He is a master tattoo artist.

He’s the founder and owner of Bearcat Tattoo Gallery.

We were neighbors on Kettner Boulevard at the founding of The Longhairs.

He was an original sponsor of Long Manes & Candy Canes in 2015.

We designed and built his website for Bearcat.

He sponsored The Great Cut, shaving heads for charity donations.

He’s the creator of Client Caddy and the co-founder of Fin & Ink.

We’ve hosted his past apprentice, Alonzo Villa, and veteran Bearcat tattoo artist, Matt Heinz on Let It Ride.

He’s a former professional snowboarder.

His band gets back together every 5 years, with whom he wails on the standup bass.


He is Sierra Colt, and he’s one of the best guys we know.

We’ve had a long and prosperous friendship with Sierra, but now it’s getting serious. That’s because after seven years, he’s finally growing his hair out (again), and even pushed back this podcast for several weeks so his hair would be slightly longer at the time of recording.

Few men are more committed than Sierra Colt. And he is letting it ride on The Longhairs podcast.

What you'll hear about:

  • What makes Bearcat special
  • Tattoos as therapy
  • Unlocking the secrets of the internet
  • Keep clients’ shit off your workstation
  • What the fish are biting on
  • Sneak peek of the upcoming Fin & Ink x The Longhairs co-lab

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Sierra Colt

Sierra Colt

Master Tattoo Artist of more than 20 years and Founder of Bearcat Tattoo Gallery. His work is primarily focused on large format sleeves and complete back and body pieces, heavily influenced by Japanese imagery and ornamental patterns. He’s the creator of Client Caddy and the co-founder of Fin & Ink, a husband, father and down ass homie from the 2400 block.



This episode of Let It Ride is brought to you by Hair Ties For Guys, the finest hair ties in the world. Guaranteed.

Bros On This Episode

El Moreno | Lindsay Barto

El Moreno

Co-Founder, President & Chief Follicle Officer for The Longhairs, El Moreno is a husband, father, athlete and creator. He makes most of what you see and interact with on The Longhairs websites.


El Rubio | Chris Healy

El Rubio

Co-Founder, CEO & Chief Manetenance Officer for The Longhairs, El Rubio is a writer, traveler, avid skier and athlete. He writes most of the words you read from The Longhairs.


Any questions for Sierra? Leave them in the comments, amigo.


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