If I Could Just See

In Advocate by El Rubio6 Comments

The Only Disability Is A Bad Attitude

Born with an inherited eye disorder, Anthony Ferraro has been blind most of his life. He still won 122 high school wrestling matches against sighted opponents in his bid for a New Jersey state wrestling championship.

Now representing the United States of America in Paralympic Judo, he won the gold medals at the 2018 USA Judo National Championships for Blind & Visually Impaired, the 2017 USA Judo Presidents Cup, and is the number one ranked Para Judo athlete in the country.

Anthony is the subject of the award-winning 2018 documentary A Shot In The Dark, chronicling his wrestling journey and life story, he’s an accomplished guitar player, motivational speaker and competitive skateboarder, actively advocating for skateboarding as an event in the paralympic games.

Anthony Ferraro aka El Luchador

With 25 inches of brown flowing locks, here at The Longhairs Anthony Ferraro is known by another name. We call him El Luchador, and accompanied by his wife Kelly and their service doggy Delta, he joined us on Let It Ride.

In a moment of raw, candid truth, Anthony revealed from personal experience how losing your eyesight is like losing a loved one; no matter how hard you wish, or hope or will, you can’t ever bring them back. That fact hasn’t discouraged Ferraro from participating, competing, excelling and winning in a variety of exploits most sighted people haven’t considered trying.

Which has begged the question over the years…what if he could just see? Listen to this and other profound moments with Anthony Ferraro on The Longhairs podcast.

Anthony Ferraro lloking from the perspective of El Moreno who is sitting on the opposite couch. Anything is wearing The Longhairs mesh snapback The Overland and it looks SICK AF!
Anthony Ferraro recording in The Longhairs set with his awesome dog Delta sitting next to him. Focus of the photo is on Delta sitting on the couch, you can see a side profile of Anthony with the mic to his lips but he's blurry due to the depth of field. The photo is SICK!

What you'll hear about

  • Eyesight
  • Wrestling
  • Judo
  • Long hair
  • Skateboarding
  • Music
Let It Ride with Anthony Ferraro.

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Anthony Ferraro Profile Photo. Let's just say, he's hair is looking beautiful.

Anthony Ferraro

Blind since an early age, “El Luchador” is an accomplished wrestler, judo practitioner, competitive skateboarder and longhair. Representing the USA in Para Judo, he is actively advocating for skateboarding in the paralympic games.


A Shot In The Dark

A Shot In The Dark Feature Film Poster
Despite a lifetime of adversity, a blind high school wrestler attempts to defy the odds and win a New Jersey State Championship. The question is, does he have a shot in the dark?

This episode of Let It Ride is brought to you by The Great Cut 2024, where The Longhairs will attempt another world-record charity hair donation for Children With Hair Loss.

Bros On This Episode

El Moreno | Lindsay Barto

El Moreno

Co-Founder, President & Chief Follicle Officer for The Longhairs, El Moreno is a husband, father, athlete and creator. He makes most of what you see and interact with on The Longhairs websites.


El Moreno | Lindsay Barto

El Rubio

Co-Founder, CEO & Chief Manetenance Officer for The Longhairs, El Rubio is a writer, traveler, avid skier and athlete. He writes most of the words you read from The Longhairs.


Leave a message or question for Anthony in the comments!


  1. It was a pleasure to meet Anthony, Kelly and Delta. Can’t wait to see them again sometime soon.

  2. unhappily, as you were almost born blind, you cannot get a retina prosthesis, which become classical in France ( thanks to the state health insurance for the cost of 110 000 us$ each…) for the cases of pigmentary retinite, for this pathology occurs on adults who have a view memory …
    but those who didn’t develop this memory, none prosthesis can be used, for the brain have none reference to interpret images

  3. maybe you come to Paris fr within 2 years, bro…., but you risk encountering very few frenchies for the ” safety” french politic of president Macron and minister Darmanin
    for all longhairs who come to Paris, take care for the public safety in touristic areas ( tour Eiffel, Chaillot, Champs Elysée, or Notre Dame) is now similar to Lagos ni…

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