Longhairs Professional Series with El Pelorizado
A podcast with the team that brought you Hair Ties For Guys
Listen in at The Longhairs global headquarters as we rap with Mike Lynch, co-owner of Creative Priority and the product development team that brought you Hair Ties For Guys.
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Just longhaired businessmen talking shop.
Hello guys, I have a problem. First I have to say that I am in the awkward stage 4’5 inch on top 3’5 on sides. Whel I have curly hair and it is pretty frizzy, my curls don’t have this little teams that you mentioned in the podcast, each hair goes alone. So I wonder how could I get my team curls if you get my.
Just to clarify I wanna have a Finn Jones kinda look
Any tips?
Thanks longhairs!
I have long hair. REALLY Long Hair. I braid it every morning while I’m in the shower, and even in a tight braid it is past my waist.
It’s been growing a while to say the least. Funny thing is I have an interview for a ‘Professional’ job on Wednesday with a major phone company that just bought an internet company. I have worked in the construction industry for 30+ years and my clients, contractors, and staff have all come to look at me not because of my hair, but because of my abilities to perform my job very professionally. I have thought about how my hair will effect my chances of getting this position, and am still very much in the middle. My abilities to perform the job should not be based on my outward appearance. That would be the same thing as discrimination.
Guys, I don’t know how everyone else feels but have you guys thought about making a “The Longhairs” phone app? I would love having a quick and easy way to keep up with the Longhairs news and being able to look up different styling ideas on the fly.
We have thought of that, just not quite there yet. This site is continuing to progress, maybe something like that in the far future.
Thank you Mike and everyone at the Longhairs for the hair ties for guys, loved the intro when talking about hair, and the long hair problems haha, it does take some work to manage but man it is worth it! A very insightful and food for thought piece, thanks again.
Yea man! Pumped you liked it!