Design Your Own Hair Ties With El Gustavo

Design Your Own Hair Ties With El Gustavo

In Celebrate by El Moreno31 Comments

Calling All Designers

Did you know we first launched Hair Ties For Guys in 2014 with just six collections? There was no sleeve or branding, you could see the stitches, we didn’t have a black collection or even any solids.

Since V1.0 we’ve launched over 40 hair tie collections, with design upgrades and manufacturing improvements that have brought us to V3.1.

In our latest video, El Gustavo runs through a brief history of Hair Ties For Guys, from the first rudimentary collections to present day, where now you have a chance to...

Design Your Own Hair Ties

Have you ever had a great idea for a hair tie design? Now is your chance to design your own hair ties.

We aim to launch 16 new hair tie collections in 2020, but we need more design ideas! Considering our most popular hair ties in history have come from community suggestions (a la The Black Ties and The Vikings), who’s really the smart ones here??

We want to see your inspiration, your ideas and your creativity. As lead designer for Hair Ties For Guys, El Gustavo wants your direct input for the next new hair tie designs.

Better yet, rather than just tell us your designs ideas, we want you to show us your designs.

That’s what we hope you’ll do with The White Ties, our newest collection of all white hair ties. With a blank canvas for your most creative designs, maybe your idea will become our next hottest collection.

See the quick history of Hair Ties For Guys, followed by design inspiration that will have you dreaming up your own signature pack of hair ties.

Custom Designed Hair Ties For Guys
Custom Designed Hair Ties For Guys
Custom Designed Hair Ties For Guys


  1. Hey longhair, here with “EL FEDERICO” from Colombia in a year of hair grow yeeaaaa ¡I MAD IT¡ .
    And i have a greate idea for a design of a hair tie, in the moment i dont have the white ties and im very bad drawing. My idea is a hair tie of rock and roll bands, not like the other that you do before, i think in hair ties whit the logo of very famous bands, like the beatles, rolling stones, red hot chili pepers, queen, nirvana, guns and roses and other bands of rock that you like. I think that a hair tie of this can be very awesome. By longhairs, please answer me and tell my your opinion of this and if is posible to do it. Good luck.

    1. QUE TAL FEDERICO! Glad to have you write in from Colombia, and great idea man! There may be intellectual property concerns, but we will consider these. Thanks for the idea, we will be sure to get you The White Ties next time they are in stock! Hasta pronto amigo

      1. Hello again, i dont consider that and that can be a problem. But tanks for listen and consider the idea.
        And i have a question of other thing.
        Im in 1 year of grow and i dont know what can i do whit him. My hair is long at the chin, ¿and what you recomend me to do?
        And how many time i need to have my hair in my shoulder?

  2. Hair Ties for Tri(Athlon)s. Swim, bike run.

    Or offroad tris with a kayak or SUP.

  3. I would love some straight camping themed ones! Little tents, marshmallows over a fire, hammocks, mountains, conifer trees, RVs, etc. I know there’s hunting and other themed ones but these are a bit different and a bit nostalgic.
    Sports cars or other race theme would be fun, including motorcycles!
    Just in time for spring any outdoorsy activity theme, running, cycling, baseball, soccer swimming, etc.
    I also second LGBTQ theme!

  4. You should do some music ones. Like guitars, music notes etc. that would be pretty sweet

  5. How about a Trump 2020 ?
    Or Deplorables?

    I will place the order right now!

    1. Appreciate the ideas RAYMOND! We had a fraternity brother Raymond Ramos. LHT

  6. Do a pride line. LGBTQ will grant you an entire new class of buyers. I love your product and I know u love me too❤

  7. I just want to use the great designs y’all come up with. I don’t create new Italian dishes at the Italian restaurant and I don’t want to create hair ties. Y’all do that so much better than I could. Love you guys. Keep it up.

    1. Hahaaaa. Thanks Carl, appreciate the kind words! More SICK designs coming, C’YA!

  8. I’m not really good at designing and also a bit broke at the moment to buy the white ties lol. But I do think a dope collection would be something samurai related, could use old warlord banners as designs or something along the line. And name it the Shoguns, or Ronins, or even the ,Bushido pack. Sorry I cant be more helpful.

  9. Mine got on there! Can’t wait to sit down and do a really detailed one soon! It’s a simple oozing blood design that I had in mind for horror or Halloween themed set. I’m actually a professionally working sculptor/mold maker/painter etc and once I grab a new sharpie set I’ll do a few detailed ones. I only took a few minutes on this one for fun. Such a cool idea though! I’m sure there’s lots of crafty longhairs!

  10. You guys should do something to bring awareness to all the stuff happening around the world these days.

  11. I have 0 artistic ability in me but I did have a some what decent idea. Maybe since all the packs come with 4 bands do a “The Elements” pack with Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire

  12. Grateful Dead. Lightning bolts. Dancing bears. Roses. Steal your face.

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