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Interview With A Longhaired CEO

In Advocate by El Rubio21 Comments

It’s no secret long hair on men is considered “unprofessional.” There are plenty of jobs out there where you can’t have long hair. To be a man with long hair is to have limited vocational options. That’s why we created the Longhair Professional Series. It’s purpose: We aim to reinforce the belief for every longhair: “Yes, I can be a longhair and be a professional/be taken seriously/make a good living. I don’t have to be ‘conventional.’”

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Longhairs Professional Series: David James Kennedy

In Advocate by El Rubio

It’s no secret long hair on men is considered “unprofessional.” There’re a lot of jobs out there—most jobs—where you can’t have long hair. Why? Leaders, politicians, professionals, royalty, even warriors have had long hair for centuries. Remember William Wallace, guys, with the spears and the English cavalry charging? Right. Only in the past century has long hair on men become unprofessional. In today’s day and age, you can’t expect to apply for most professional-type jobs with long hair and be taken seriously.