Mail-In Hair Donations Have Arrived

In Advocate by El Moreno2 Comments

Hair Donation Update

Nearly 1,000 kind souls have mailed their hair donations to The Great Cut, c/o The Longhairs.

Today, we dove in. Among the 400+ parcels we opened there were handwritten letters, heartwarming notes from children, and a homemade pop-up Valentine’s Day card.

We were humbled, opening package after package from people who were both willing and who went through the trouble to send us their hair.

And there was a great deal of it. Thing is, we have come to learn the Guinness World Record guidelines are rather exacting, and suffice to say it is a tedious task of matching each hair donation with a person and a ticket and an age verification.

But the Core 4 were up to the task. See what the process was like...and where we’re at going into the week of The Great Cut.



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