Get to Know El Spencerino

In Celebrate by El Rubio5 Comments

The Rookie With The Wave

You might recognize him from a split-second cameo appearance in Enjoying The Ride, or you may have noticed he was the author of that blog post, or you might not recognize him at all, because he’s new here.

With El Gustavo taking on greater responsibilities in the warehouse, and El Garvinski transitioning to Video Producer, we needed a new warehouse guy. We began our search by identifying the characteristics we wanted in a Fulfillment Specialist.

He had to be stout. Burly. Resolute. Able to defend the warehouse if necessary, yet cerebral, with a good head on his shoulders, and nice hair. We needed a guy who bought into The Longhairs core vision and values. A guy capable of relentlessly putting orders on your position, willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done.

And big biceps. He had to have big biceps.

Longhairs, Meet El Spencerino

He is our new Fulfillment Specialist, and the most recent addition to The Longhairs’ decorated roster, immediately increasing our average team deadlift and preacher curls.

It was no surprise he got the job, if by pure intimidation factor alone.

In all seriousness, his approach to earning a position with The Longhairs told us a lot about him, and that same approach—a mix of persistence, patience, humility and authenticity—can be applied to most anything you want in life.

That’s why you should crack a cold one with the boys, and get to know El Spencerino on Let It Ride.

  • How he got hired at The Longhairs.
  • Lessons learned from a two-year mission.
  • Becoming a professional cosmetologist.
  • Barber shop banter.
  • A sneak peek into El Spencerino’s upcoming blog post.

You definitely want to know the guy who’s fulfilling your orders, so…

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Sierra Colt

El Spencerino

Fulfillment Specialist for The Longhairs, El Spencerino is a powerbuilder, jiu jitsu practitioner, drummer, and music enthusiast. His passion for equality in the hair community is exceeded only by his massive biceps.

Enjoying The Ride

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Bros On This Episode

El Moreno | Lindsay Barto

El Moreno

Co-Founder, President & Chief Follicle Officer for The Longhairs, El Moreno is a husband, father, athlete and creator. He makes most of what you see and interact with on The Longhairs websites.


El Rubio | Chris Healy

El Rubio

Co-Founder, CEO & Chief Manetenance Officer for The Longhairs, El Rubio is a writer, traveler, avid skier and athlete. He writes most of the words you read from The Longhairs.


Have you done a mission? Tell us about it in the comments.