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Selecting a Weapon of Choice

In Educate by Minh Huynh7 Comments

“Long hair, don’t care” is the pervasive internet meme du jour. However, in my previous post, The Struggle of an Athletic Long Hair, I showed the athletic longhair should care. Because if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail, right? Well if you don’t plan to do something with your hair before you compete then you’re gonna have problems, which may include getting your ass kicked.

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The Struggle of an Athletic Longhair

In Advocate by Minh Huynh1 Comment

“Cry in the dojo, laugh on the battlefield,” an old proverb that pops into my mind as I lay on the jiu-jitsu mat with my long hair dripping sweat into my eyes. The warrior that coined that phrase must have been a longhair as he understands all too well the struggles of training with a mane. This made me wonder, from mixed martial artists to football players, how many professional athletes chose to rock the establishment and don streaming locks despite the obvious disadvantage?