A Christmas Eve Podcast With Santa Claus

In Celebrate by El Rubio2 Comments

Christmas Eve at The Longhairs Global Headquarters

Well boys, here we are on Christmas Eve. It’s been a heck of a year, filled with highlights and great memories.

As we take a moment to reflect, we’re blessed with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have a very special guest on The Longhairs podcast.

Taking a few minutes out of his busy Christmas Eve, we are joined by one of the legendary longhairs of all-time, none other than the big man himself, Santa Claus.

Listen while an exceptionally jolly St. Nick sits down with your boys over a few egg nogs and a heavy dose of holiday cheer, revealing his age-old hair secrets and answering the tough questions.


What you'll hear about:

  • How Santa keeps his snow-white mane in great condition
  • A behind-the-scenes sneak peek on the naughty & nice list
  • Why Santa has a bone to pick with The Longhairs
Santa had a big night ahead of him and we kept it short, so you don’t want to miss this special Christmas Eve episode of Let It Ride.


Unbeknownst to the shipping department, El Santa announced a FREE PACK OF V2 HAIR TIES with every order through the end of the year.

(which, it must be nice having cheap elf-labor, but here under U.S. labor law El Gustavo is working time-and-a-half through the holidays to ensure you get your orders fast)

Santa Claus

Also known as Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, or simply “El Santa,” is a legendary longhair who delivers gifts to the homes of well-behaved longhairs on or about Christmas when they place an order with The Longhairs. Connect with him by sending a handwritten letter to The North Pole or by leaving a comment below.
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Questions or comments for El Santa?