Four Brothers to Donate at The Great Cut

In Celebrate by El Rubio10 Comments

Donating as a Family

Four brothers, ranging from three to nine years old, and their mother will cut and donate their long hair for children with medically-related hair loss.

Rodreen Heier, mother of four boys with long hair (and one baby girl), has heard friends, neighbors and perfect strangers referring to her boys as girls for years.

Undeterred, the family collectively decided to let their hair grow until long enough to donate to charity.

Their chance is finally arriving with The Great Cut, a hair-cutting charity event where the mission is to donate 200 pounds of hair from 2,000 donors and raise $200K to provide hair replacements for 200 children with medically-related hair loss.

We were fortunate to have “Mama Longhair” join us on Let It Ride, where she told us all about her boys, why they are donating, and what it’s like living in a virtual hair factory.


What you'll hear about:

  • What it’s like raising four little longhairs
  • The nearly impossible task of brushing and maintaining their long hair
  • Dealing with the bullies and commentators
  • How one boy used an entire bottle of hair serum at once, because it’s “growing oil”
  • Top secret details surrounding The Great Cut
Listen to “Mama Longhair” on The Longhairs podcast.
3/16/19 - SAN DIEGO, CA


2,000 Haircuts For Kids Who Can't Grow Hair